E-word Communicator – over a 3 year period serving more than 2380 users
Listen Up: Howdy friend, Feeling rock-bottom? Huffy at God? Baffled with the process? Narked by a number of things? Disappointed with the waiting game? All of the above? It couldn’t be any worse? Still, you’re not getting any answers. Those words of yours appear to bounce off the clouds. Your prayers return abandoned. Nothing makes… Read more Listen Up
Make An Investment: TRAIN UP A CHILD: Howdy friends, If you think you are the smartest, think on. None of us can assume that we know it all. At the end of the day each of us is a learner, pupil. Simply, we all begin by learning a life-style. Hopefully, taught with proper instruction with… Read more Make An Investment
Heavens Cookie-jar: Howdy friends, So, the cupboard was bare! Obviously there are varied reasons why the world is lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively. Many are hungry. So many are hurting. Too many are lost. Life can be complex. Life isn’t always sunshine and lollipops. Life can be tough. Life isn’t always pop-corn… Read more Heavens Cookie-jar
I Could Have Died Like Nine Times: Howdy friends, I believe in the One who can make things happen. Oh, my! I have experienced more ups and downs than a roller-coaster. Between the age of four and fifty-four I could have died like nine times. Yet, my heavenly Pa has constantly shown to everyone what… Read more I Could Have Died Like Nine Times
Apples Of Gold: Howdy friends, Having a good education is very important. The academic grades we obtain are equally as important. However, some things are caught rather than taught. The qualities we hold can never be reflected by qualifications alone. Take note of this proverbial thought: Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a… Read more Apples Of Gold