
Welcome to the Website of David Prince

David Passed away in May 2018, having spent a life time dealing with health issues and disabilities.  Sadly David’s father, Anthony has since passed away April 14th 2020.

The last chapter of David’s Story can be found here.

This website is a celebration of his life and our hope is that it will be a source of encouragement to you.

David had an incredible and uplifting story and you can read it here – click Fields of Life on the menu.

David also wrote a series of encouraging messages over several years – these can be found here: E-word Communicator or on the menu at the right.

The future of this website…

David was keen that this website would continue as his legacy, however, visitors are now infrequent.

This website was created using WordPress along with a plugin which enabled David as a blind user to update the site himself.
This plugin is out of support and will stop the site from working.

The site has been converted to a static site as the simplest way to keep it available.  This means there won't be any updates and some links and features like search won’t work, however David’s thoughts and story remain available.