Uptime Love

Uptime Love:

So, we went off to a follow-up appointment in the early morning rush hour, and only just got there in time.

I was due to undergo minor skin surgery, which could have included an excision, a biopsy, and Cryosurgery using liquid nitrogen – with the temperature of the liquid being minus 196C.

Thankfully, my consultant decided that this time round there was no need for an excision, and no need for a biopsy either.

But I had around 30 pre-cancerous skin growths which needed Cryosurgery.

As if I wasn’t cold enough!

Anyhow, after treatment, Rachel ended up in the pharmaceutical department trying to sort out whether or not I could have a particular topical corticosteroid which my consultant had previously prescribed for an additional skin problem – a type of dermatitis.

This time though, he had increased the strength of the ointment!

For this reason, the pharmacist could not hand over the prescription until she had ticked various boxes, and made a couple of phone calls.

It actually took four times longer to sort this predicament out than the total time I spent with the consultant himself!

Still, eventually, we, Rachel and me, left the clinic and made our way to a regional shopping mall, where we had lunch together, and browsed some sales outlets.

A rare adventure for me.

And quite an outing!

But finally, eight hours later, we arrived at home!

What an exhausting day!

Ah, you maybe thinking, so what?

That’s nothing!

But listen up!

My wife is my carer.

She juggles and keeps in a certain state the workings of our home.

She industriously goes about her work of the day, taking care of me.

With constant loyalty, she does what she’s been doing for the past ten years.

It’s not an easy mission.

She has to be meticulous – planning ahead all the time.

All the same, she is ever inventive in hospitality.

She is everything to me.

She is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And guess what?

I reckon all things would simply fall apart at the seams if Rachel, and carers like her, left something undone.

Communities would fall apart!

Yes, Rachel is my full-time carer!

Totally committed.

And yes, we value our time together.

However, contrary to what people might think about living life outside of full-time employment, we do not have all the time in the world!

We do not enjoy endless days with no plans.

We do not sleep in late.

Note, Even as Rachel is a 24/7 carer, I’m a 24/7 recipient of a kidney and pancreas transplant.

24/7 visually impaired – totally blind!

24/7 coping with the need to self-catheterise “at least” eight times per day.

24/7 susceptible to skin cancers.

24/7 living with other health issues.

I’m not having a pity party!

But this is no life-style choice!

There is no opt-out clause!

No easy cop-out!

No light to switch on!

Yet in-between the numerous clinic appointments, the follow-ups, including many deliveries of medical supplies, and the general routine of the average day, it’s such a breather when we can take a break.

It’s great having a brief suspension enjoying lunch made by another:

It’s wonderful sharing coffee-out together:

Admittedly, for me, it’s hard browsing the mall:

But it’s a breeze experiencing life beyond our four walls.

And yes, even in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, we tell each other, “I love you.”

We embrace affection.

We give the degree of attention required.

We show the greatest level of positiveness that we can muster.

So much determination.

Every day.

On a daily basis.

An forever.

And this is my point:

In the busyness of our ordinary lives – there is a great advantage in spending quality time together.

Now, I’m not saying that we have this all together, that we have it made.

But Rachel is “getting to know” how to understand and support me.

I’m “learning” to go all out in my love for her.

We’re finding out the importance of what it means to give, not get!

We treasure our time together.

We love each other immensely.

We’re simply devoted, 24/7.

And we see value in each other, not just because of what we do, but because of whose we are.

Sure-enough, we are a son and daughter of the Father of love.


We’ve gotten His uptime love!


So much added value.


His love is the Light.

Our hope.

Say yes!

Now friend, if this message has encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Ephesians 5:22

Ephesians 5:25-26

Phillippians 3:12

The Message.

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