

Recently, I grabbed a cuppa, and sat down to listen to a television programme – the Country File special edition of “One Man And His Dog.”

And, as I got engrossed in the time-honoured skills and traditions of the sheep-dog trials, I was reminded that Those looking after sheep, often on open and sometimes difficult farming land, need the assistance of a well-trained sheep-dog.

It’s amazing how the dog can move the sheep around a field, fences, gates, or enclosures as directed by it’s handler.

But this got me a thinking, again!

Consider a single-handed shepherd in charge of 100 sheep.

What a task!

But wait!

He notices that one of his sheep has gone astray.

What do you think he should do?

Should the shepherd leave the flock on the hills unguarded to search for the lost sheep?

Well, this is what the Bible has to say:

God’s shepherd goes to look for that one lost sheep, and when he finds her, he is happier about her return than he is about the 99 who stayed put.

Sure-enough, a sheep-man looks after the interest of his sheep.

He provides them rest in rich, green fields beside streams of refreshing water.

He soothes their fears.

But regardless of all his lovesome care and purposeful aims, the sheep have a distinguishing feature that’s kinda like us.

Sheep are inclined to go away from the right path or direction.

As the Bible says, “We all have wandered off, like shepherd-less sheep, scattered by our aimless striving and endless pursuits.”

You see, this is my point, sheep are unbelievably dopey, dull or dumb!

And we, as individuals, seem to have a similar inclination!

We leave God’s paths to follow our own!

We turn our backs on God.

We head in the wrong direction.

We refuse to acknowledge His plan and purpose.

We think we know best!

We get around God’s instruction and give little or no attention to His Word.

Then when we start to get what we give, or harvest what we sow, we begin to lose cool with God.

And all on account of a gloomy outlook that we manufactured ourselves!

In short, if we can’t see the field from the view of the handler, the challenge is just too great.

But, hope is not lost!


Because the Bible tells of how God will bring us back to life – give us new life and energy.

Oh yes!

He makes us whole again, steering us off worn, hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.

Now listen, just as Jesus conveyed the message of the single-handed shepherd who left the 99 sheep to go after that one wandering sheep, God is reaching out to us, longing to put us back on track.

Those of us who follow Jesus today come to know Him as that gentle but strong shepherd who guides us through every aspect of life.

Remember, when we, kinda like sheep, fail at finding our way, He shepherds us to safety.

What a hope for life!

So, listen closely, and come even closer.

Let Him take you by the hand.

His Words will give life.

Simply follow Him.

Say Yeah!

Now friend, if this message has encouraged you, please click the “like” button found before this post.

Thank you

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Isaiah 53:6

Isaiah 55:3

Matthew 18:12-13

Psalm 23:2-3

The Voice Bible.

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