Back To Harbour

Back To Harbour:

Come with me – as I look back at a trip I once took from Malta to Sicily:

Travelling on what was at that time the fastest catamaran in the world, I endured a rather choppy adventure on the Mediterranean Sea.

Although the weather was quite stormy – it may not have been as bad as others may have experienced – nevertheless, it was pretty rough!

Sure thing, I remember very clearly attempting to drink a hot beverage from one of those sealed polystyrene cups with a plastic straw, but due to the adverse conditions aboard the sailing vessel, the straw somehow, inadvertently, always ended up my nose.

Man, I was so glad when we finally reached the harbour!

So glad to get to the place of refuge, comfort and security.

And best of all, so glad to eventually have the chance to consume a “full” cup of, refreshing tea!

Friend, perhaps you’re facing a challenge beyond your ability to deal with.

Maybe you’re going through a hard time right now.

Possibly, you’re taking on more responsibilities than you can manage.

Like a spinning-top, you don’t know which way your world is going!

You don’t know which end is up!!

Sure thing, everything around you appears to be falling apart.

In many ways it feels as if you’re on the choppy seas in the middle of a storm.


Well, I guess a life with no demanding situations would be awesome.

Boy, that sure would be nice!

But as difficult as your life storm maybe, you mustn’t allow it to defeat you.

Understand this, you are not alone!

Just remember, Jesus came to repair our brokenness.

No matter what we’re going through – He will reach out to all who are hurting.

All we need to do is call out to God in our desperate condition, say a quiet yes to Him – and He’ll be there in no time.

Just know this, whatever we face, His care is impossible to doubt or dispute.

His love is persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature.

and His promises are not likely to fail or give way.

Oh, yes, He comforts, consoles and encourages us in every trouble, calamity and affliction.

What a relief!

Now friend, if this message has encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Psalm 107:23-30

James 4:8

2 Corinthians 1:4

Amplified Bible.

The Message.

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