E-word Communicator – over a 3 year period serving more than 2380 users
A Drop In A Bucket: Have you ever felt insignificant, inadequate, or ever had the feeling you’re not quite reaching the expectations of others? Perhaps your life seems useless or meaningless. Such perplexity can cause anyone to react, but I’m certain we’ve all been there sometime or another. Well, let’s take a look at what… Read more A Drop In A Bucket!
God Is Good: He crowns my life with loving kindness. Only God Almighty, the Creator, could design and establish the extraordinary World we live in. One glance at creation, with its balance of power and beauty, is a display of God’s accomplishment. Yet, when we look around at the World today, we are daily faced… Read more God Is Good.
It’s Harvest-time!: God appointments are awaiting us each day – at home, at work, at school, at play! Yet, most of us want to gather the harvest, but not all are willing to do the ground work and place the seeds to grow! Sure-enough, God has assigned some of us to place the seeds; others… Read more It’s Harvest-time!
Bumble-bee: Not only from appearances alone, but also according to the laws of aerodynamics, it is, apparently, impossible for the bumble-bee to fly. But do you know – no one told the bumble-bee?! Assuming that this statement is true, one can’t help but find this amazing! Quite often in my own life I have been… Read more Bumble-bee.
Under Pressure: “For this reason; we consider it a sheer gift friends, when tests and challenges come at us from all sides. We know that under pressure, our faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colours.” Throughout the course of our Christian walk:, if we had been expecting a journey without any… Read more Under Pressure!