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Trust Him!

Trust Him: His huge outstretched arms protect us – under them we’re perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. I’m so aware that you’re all thinking, well, surely it’s a matter of trust! And certainly it is. From a youngster, my family and I grew up with some Bible verses which became known as… Read more Trust Him!

Perfectly Safe

Perfectly Safe: “As a large bird of pray protects its young with its graceful wings and teaches the manoeuvres of flight, so God forms a cover over me and enables me to withstand attacks. His constant loyalty has concealed me from danger and harm.” Psalm Ninety-one. In recent times, I was reminded of an incident… Read more Perfectly Safe

Colours Of Love

Colours Of Love: Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in His holy house. God makes homes for the homeless, leads prisoners to freedom. Wow! Looking at Psalm 68: – one cannot help but examine and note the similarities found in the New Testament: For instance, here’s what James had to say: Real religion,… Read more Colours Of Love