Apples Of Gold:
Howdy friends,
Having a good education is very important.
The academic grades we obtain are equally as important.
However, some things are caught rather than taught.
The qualities we hold can never be reflected by qualifications alone.
Take note of this proverbial thought:
Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.
Yet know this, it doesn’t matter if we have apples or grapes:
Apricots or pomegranates.
In this proverb the teacher and student have all the qualities specified for the words to be accepted.
The verbal exchange is fluently delivered.
It’s kind and well thought out.
A congenial conversation.
At a ripely time.
Sure-enough, a message of encouragement.
Golden fruit set in silver.
Freshly beneficial to the student.
Having a positive quality of being precious and of great value.
So be in line with truth.
Gently erase errors and together learn from them.
Be an example to junior and senior participants alike.
Show them how to live in freedom.
But listen up!
Don’t focus on failure!
Instead, enable them to know their identity.
Enhance their actual relationship with heavenly Pa.
Accentuate their personality.
Recognise their distinguished character.
Help them to use their talent and ability.
Believe in their potential.
And with their God-given wholesomeness encourage them to live wisely and well.
Now, furnish a place of praise.
Remember, an honest answer is like a warm hug.
There’s such beauty in discovery.
Apples of gold.
Heartening stuff!
Say, yes!
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Thank you.
David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – Hearty Neighbour – & Internet Pastor:
Committed to loving God and loving people.
Sharing a New Expression of Church.
Proverbs 24:26 MSG
Proverbs 25:11 NLT