Gut Love

Gut Love:

Howdy friends,

So, gleaned from first-hand personal experience:

And clearly impressed about the special circumstance.

You have insight on an emerging event.

Yep, that’s right!

You have gotten some knowledge of something:

Obtained from a pure source.

Seemingly, your instinctive feeling is without any logical rationale,, yet you reckon you have a clear perception of the situation.

Still, cautious, and with reluctance.

But, full of good intentions.

You need to pass it on.

Prodding and prompting from deep within.

There is no doubt, you cannot keep it in.

You must not hold back!

After-all, you could be the only one providing hope for someone today.

And so, in proportion to your faith:

You make an immediate reaction.

Why, you have the assurance based on so many promises.

You have remembered, rivers of living water will brim and spill out of anyone who believes.

Out of your seat of emotion true strength flows.

Sure, feelings of affection come from your inside out.

You utter with unrestrained enthusiasm.

Now, every kind of person must experience.

Yep, everyone must know how refreshing life is.

Saturated in Holy!

Huge draughts of Holy.

Gut love.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Passionate Learner – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Committed to loving God and loving people.

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John 7:38

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