Making The Connection

Making The Connection:

Howdy precious friends,

So, we arrived at the lake to discover three silver-haired men operating and guiding by radio their extremely expensive boats.

Catching snippets from their conversation, the men, or rather, one of the men appeared to go on and on about the weather, the universe, this and that, and the weather again.

The other two guys colluded with the odd: Eh-up, Ah, or hum.

Anyhow, as we ventured around the lake, it was encouraging to note the amount of people who would acknowledge us with an expression of greeting.

None of these folks we had met before, but one even enquired if we were ok.

Admittedly, the dialogue for us was rather brief.
I guess, not everyone wants to go beyond small talk.

The reality is that most just want to acknowledge the time of day.

Some are too afraid of getting involved.

However, many are simply searching for hope beyond discouragement.

Many are disconnected:

Drifting, kinda like those radio controlled boats!

But, hey, ho!

Occasionally, I reckon it’s up to us to opened the door to a connection.

Allowing access between persons.


Without being pushy, let’s make an effort to connect.

Let’s be inventive in action.

Remember, everyone needs a little attention now and then.

I mean, I love my family.

I enjoy spending time with them.

I love the broad range of Jesus people found worldwide.

It’s great meeting up.

And I love sharing life with my friends.

There’s always room for a cuppa.

Still, let’s use the issues of the day to bolster a new vocabulary to connect with unfamiliar people.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be around a lake.

Perhaps at work, school, or play.

Think about it:

Offer to assist someone with an assignment.

Share your tea-break with a colleague.

Do the school run.

And/or wash the paint-brushes at the end of the school day.

Give a hand to someone struggling with an activity or life-style change.

Meet people at their point of need.

Let’s stop expressing love merely by our words and manner of speech.

Let’s love also in action and in truth.

Hey, as we begin to connect, we might be surprised by how far the ripple effect could spread!

Actions speak louder than words.

Oh, my!

Now, that’s a God thought!

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Passionate Learner – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Committed to loving God and loving people.

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1 John 3:18

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