Between The Lines

Between The Lines:

Howdy friends,

Now, my Father in heaven knows my heart.

I’m not a backslider!

I haven’t lapsed into a previous undesirable pattern of behaviour!

But something does concern me regarding the content of conversation.

Especially through social media.

I Mean, is it necessary to initiate faith talk in every sentence?

Does God want us talking about Him all the time?


Is it compulsory to squeeze spiritual stuff between the lines?

Consider this, I love my earthborn dad.

I think he’s great.

Why, he’s my dad!

However, I don’t talk about him all the time.

If I did, I would simply drive my friends mad!

So, when is it suitable to talk about God stuff?

Well, firstly, we must be aware of those openings that come out of the good and honest connections we have made.

Then, taking hold of the connected series of developments, we must be certain our faith talk doesn’t grind with the informal exchange.

Remember, using spiritual jargon can be a real cringe factor.

To the commonly encountered person, the overabundance of spiritual cliches do not make much sense.

After-all, not everyone on social media has a personal relationship with our heavenly Papa.

Using words to paint a picture are probably best, but that too must not be used too often or too extensively.

In light of this, be Appropriate, have the right Balance, and keep the conversation Concise.


We need to discern if opportunity knocks, or whether we are pushing too hard!

So, pause where you are.

Be gracious.

Be gentle.

Always with the utmost courtesy.

Have respect.

And, please don’t beat yourself up over what words to use.

Just communicate effectively by building real and genuine relationships.

Say, yes!

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Passionate Learner – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Committed to loving God and loving people.

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