November 2015

Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Give us today the food we need. Matthew 6:11 New Living Translation. Bible Gateway. Bible Hub. Bible Sprout. Unbound Bible. h3. Messages From The E-word Communicator: God knows, and cares about every aspect of our lives. Discover More … Free From Fear. God knows what lies around the corner and because He’s… Read more Let Us Pray

Gods Wallop

Gods Wallop: Howdy friends, Sometimes, nonsensical talk can hit hard. I mean, some people can come out with some, well, twaddle! Often, it’s so bad, we wonder why they said such buncombe. With an element of doubt, we ponder if they truly meant what they said. After-all, are they completely devoid of good sense and… Read more Gods Wallop

Guard Your Lips

Guard Your Lips: The tongue can bring death or life – those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Proverbs 18:21 New Living Translation. Bible Gateway. Bible Hub. Bible Sprout. Unbound Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: QUIET-DISCRETION-ACCOMPANIES-GOOD-SENSE. Discover More … Cool Your Jets. Let us be eager to direct our attention toward those… Read more Guard Your Lips