November 2015

So Deep

So Deep: God’s riches, wisdom, and knowledge are so deep that it is impossible to explain His decisions or to understand His ways. Romans 11:33 God’s Word Translation. Bible Gateway. Bible Hub. Bible Sprout. Unbound Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: Living water: Bringing revival, growth and life. Discover More … An Open Heaven. God… Read more So Deep

On The Road

On The Road: Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask which paths are the old, reliable paths. Ask which way leads to blessings. Live that way … Jeremiah 6:16a God’s Word Translation. Bible Gateway. Bible Hub. Bible Sprout. Unbound Bible. Messages from the E-word Communicator: At the junction of Justice Avenue, grace has the upper-hand.… Read more On The Road

Proof Of Love

Proof Of Love: Jesus said: Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:35 New Living Translation. Bible Gateway. Bible Hub. Bible Sprout. Unbound Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: By our love, the world will know that we symbolize, make clear and visible, the real character… Read more Proof Of Love