Set The World Right

Set The World Right:

A different perspective:

Christian friends, a disability is a condition – it’s not a life-style choice!

It is, however, an occurrence of a change for the worse, a symptom of reduced quality or strength.

It can be a form of existence – being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness, and having damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality.

Yes, that’s it!

A lack of quality or strength!

That’s what it’s all about!

The state of needing “something” that is absent or seems unavailable.

So, how do we address this?

Or, how can we change the attitudes that determine how others will interpret and respond to our needs?

Well, despite anything to the contrary, it’s interesting how God’s Word deals with this important question.

One reference warns – do not make fun of the disabled!

Don’t belittle a deaf person, or put a stumbling block in front of a disabled guy, or misdirect a blind man on the road.

Yet, broadly speaking, consider those examples when you’ve been misdirected, or received wrong advice as to a decision or course of action.

And the experiences when you’ve been belittled, and made to feel smaller or less – especially in worth.

And there’s those episodes when you’ve been confronted by those stumbling blocks, obstacles, and those things that make progress difficult.


Then again, it’s widely recognised that many groups consider themselves as inclusive – although what they often are at best is accessible!

So, will we ever find hope in our discouragement,?

Encouragement in our dejection?

Comfort in our distress?

But wait!

What a relief to know that God defends and supports the orphans and widows, and is on the side of vulnerable people!

God knows all about it – the contempt, the neglect, and so on.

Can we dare to believe that the luckless will get lucky someday?

Sure-enough, God won’t let us down!

His love for the orphans is His love for us – for everyone!

Still, “until He” steps in, it may look kinda like nothing is going to change any time soon.

But one of the most reassuring thoughts for us as Christians – is the perception that God’s timing is perfect.

In spite of the fact that those conditions may be impossible to bear, we have an evermore certainty that our heavenly Father will step in to help resolve things – and not a heart-beat too soon!

What an insight!

He will never fail us!

He won’t give up on us!

He will never abandon us!

God is on our side.

He wants the best for us.

He wants to carry our load.

He is good.

And-so, Father God knows better than us what we need.

This is why – with a God like this loving us, we can pray very simply:

“Our Father in heaven, reveal who You are.

Set the world right.

Do what’s best as above, so below …

Turn our topsy-turvy thinking around.

Let us see things through Your eyes.

Make visible to us Your perspective.

Cause Your heart to permeate everything we do.

Take us to a higher level of love.

May heaven infiltrate earth.

Yes. Yes. Yes.”

And friends, before we reach the landing strip …

Maybe you can identify with this:

On account of the fragility and nonsensicality of our ordinary lives – we can be side-stepped or overlooked.

Yet know this, God doesn’t hold us at arms-length because of our lack of ability, but rather, He draws us close – whereby we can call Him, Papa! Father!

Take-note, Our Father doesn’t love us because of our value!

We are valued anew because of His love for us!

So, begin to accept, and believe!

We’re precious, and affectionately loved.

We’re adopted into His forever family – and fully enfranchised as His heirs.

Always remember that!

And now, irrespective of present-day conditions, watch for God’s answers.

And remember to be thankful when they come!

Say Yes.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Next Week: Another Second Chance.

Deuteronomy 27:18

Leviticus 19:14

Psalm 10:14

Psalm 146:9

Matthew 6:8-10

Romans 8:15

Colossians 4:2

Expanded Bible.

The Message.

New Century Version.

The Voice Bible.

Fields Of Life is a story of God’s faithfulness through struggles with multiple health issues, living with blindness, being a recipient of a kidney and pancreas transplant, coping with events – having extremely unfortunate consequences, and walking a journey of faith.

Fields Of Life.

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