Golden Nugget

Golden Nugget:

“I have to say that the Lord has been with us ALL THE TIME – even when there are times when we lose faith due to the circumstance – but that doesn’t change His nature in being faithful.” Lawrence Lim.

Hey, I simply love it when I’m reading other writers stuff, especially when I stumble over a nugget.

You know what I mean – one of those sentences or paragraphs which seem to come alive and tumble.

Or one of those phrases that make you want to respond with a decisive leap, or shout aloud hooray!

I guess – I kinda like nuggets!

So here’s the gist of it:

Whenever I’ve messed-up – God is still faithful!

Whenever I’ve gone off track – God is still there!

That’s His true nature.


And if that’s still not enough, consider this:

Our heavenly Father is kind, caring, patient, and ALWAYS ready to forgive.



That’s the nugget!

Rather like a solid lump of a precious metal – especially gold – as found in the earth.

That’s what I stumbled over!

So simple.

So significant.

So, come-on kids!

God is good!

He will never abandon us!

Even when we’ve botched-up big time – He still loves us!

He isn’t mad with us – but He is crazy about us!

In truth, He is full of CONSTANT love.

Now listen, here’s a little something to chew-over:

Picture God reading the pages of your life.

Imagine His encounter with one of those paragraphs which seemed to come alive and tumble.

Now, envisage Him jumping with joy.


Why? Because you’re one of those golden nuggets!

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Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Psalm 145:8

God’s Word Translation.

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