Revive The Cliche

Revive The Cliche:

So, I was reading a book, well, listening to it being read by my screen reader, when some other stuff that I found interesting – began to jump out of the page.

Every paragraph appeared to gain new energy – and each chapter began to breathe!

The book came alive!

I came alive!

As each spoken word was heard, it was equally received.

Being very attentive, I wondered what would come next.

Absorbing the content over and again, I needed to hear more.

And this got me thinking.

If we simply read and quote the information – the truth of what we read can become empty.

Think about it.

“Faith” can fade away to five letters, “hope” remains a distant wish, and “love” just becomes socially or conventionally correct.

If the concept is not experienced in the deepest within ourselves, it’s just words.

And the words become obvious remarks.


Platitudes or cliches, are called that – because they are frequently voiced truths.


As a consequence, their impact and influence can be lost in that constant repetition.

Still, they are no less true!

When lived out in real life rather than just read or spoken, they cause a qualitative change.

A transformation.

More than a phrase trend!

Remember, if nothing else, before we trust, we need to listen.

Then, allow those God-breathed words to take shape on the pages of our lives.

Begin to live.

Experience renewal.

Be saturated.

And, by His Spirit, be energised by the conscious awareness of Him.

Romans 10:17

2 Timothy 3:16

The Message.

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