Soar Like An Eagle

Soar Like An Eagle:

As I look back to the moment when I was a young artist, it’s quite easy for me to enkindle a lifelike image within my mind – of a sketch portraying a pair of golden eagles.

Using various grades of graphite: Slightly softer, blacker marking substance in a pencil to extremely soft and black – combined with harder pencils and lighter pigment, I would use the latter, which were good for small lines while the softer pencils were better for figure drawing – shading and texture.

Bearing this in mind, let’s use our imagination to picture the variable shades of graphite which were used to create a likeness of these dark-brown birds who had striking lighter golden-brown plumage over their heads and necks, and hooked shaped beaks with large hazel coloured eyes.

Standing side by side, with the eagle on the right slightly higher than the other, one could envisage how impressive these birds of prey were.

But of course, it may have been far better to have seen them in full flight – especially when their wingspan averaged over 2 m {7 ft} and their length 1 m ({3 ft}.

Wow! How magnificent! How majestic!

Anyhow, let me get to the heart of this weekly thought by asking you – what is your strength and capability?

What do you depend on?

Is it your youthfulness and good health? your discipline and physical fitness? your education and qualifications? or even your social-status?

Maybe it’s something else.

None of us can rely on our everyday resources, or our personal abilities.

At the end of the day, we’re all human!

Our health and wealth can easily be damaged or destroyed.

Only God our Father can guarantee that we can come through the impossible, grow stronger through the ordinary, and soar above the difficult circumstance.

And so, here’s the pre-requisite: “The people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky. They will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.”1.

Yes, that’s right, it’s all a matter of trust.

Friends, let’s depend upon our Heavenly Father!

Let’s have faith and confidence in Him.

He loves us and His love will help us overcome any obstructions that make our progress difficult.

Moreover, our Father is a God of restoration.

His desire to restore and renew us is not just an inclination to impart to us only the one-time knowledge and experience of His saving grace.

Nah! There’s much more to it than that!

As God faithfully lavishes upon us His love, He re-emphasizes time and time again, over and over again – the changelessness of His dependable love.

New every morning. Day after day.

His love is eminently beyond and above comparison.

As high as the sky is above the earth, so great is His love for those who respect Him.

Indeed, He satisfies our lives with what is good. Our youth keeps renewing itself just like that of an eagle.

Then, sure-enough, as the worship song suggests, the weaknesses we see in ourselves – will be swept away by the power of His love!

So never give up! He never gives up on you!

All you need to do – is trust Him.

1 Isaiah 40:31

The Message.

New International Version.

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