Our Monthly Reflections

As for God:

As For God: As for Life: He gives me real and eternal life – more and better life than I could ever dream of. That’s my Father – the God who is superabundant! As for Peace: I’m able to experience completeness, wholeness, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony & the absence of… Read more As for God:


Diversity: In recent times; the fellowship where Rachel and I belong, began some new “cell-groups.” I’m use to calling them “home-groups” or “house-groups.” Some may know them as “care-groups,” “connect-groups,” “life-groups” or simply “small-groups.” Whatever the name of the group, this inspired me to have a fresh look as to the place where home-groups began… Read more Diversity.

Good To Talk

Good To Talk: Hello everyone, It’s widely believed that most people can experience some degree of stress, anxiety or depression at some time in their lives. In many ways I can perhaps understand the effects of stress, distress or anxiety a little better than most. In my early twenties I gained experience in the field… Read more Good To Talk

Real Religion.

Real Religion: Howdy friends, I’ll tell you what it really means to worship the Lord. Remove the chains of prisoners who are chained unjustly. Free those who are abused! Share your food with everyone who is hungry: Share your home with the poor and homeless. Give clothes to those in need; Don’t turn away your… Read more Real Religion.