E-word Communicator – over a 3 year period serving more than 2380 users
More Than A Celebrity: In the course of my life – I’ve had the honour and privilege to meet and speak to quite a few widely known and esteemed people, including: The Princess Royal, Sir Ian Botham – Beefy, Sir Bobby Charlton, David Coulthard, Nicky Gumbel, Johnny Herbert, Mika Häkkinen, Eddie Irvine, Michael Schumacher, Ralf… Read more More Than A Celebrity!
God Is Up To Something: Friday 6 September 1991, was quite an eventful day in my life and one I will never forget. The day was just a few months since I had a kidney & pancreas transplant, but then I developed septicaemia. After going into cardiac-arrest, the doctors who gave me a 9% chance… Read more God Is Up To Something.
The Uninvited Guest: According to the social climate of New Testament times, it was polite to welcome guests into one’s home by anointing the invited guests’ heads with oil, washing their feet, and greeting each guest with a kiss. This welcome was commonplace with everyone who was invited to an important meal. For-sure, an illustration… Read more The Uninvited Guest.
Motivating Encouragement: In a previous reflection I shared with you some words by Leo Buscaglia: “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” In this short… Read more Motivating Encouragement.
People Are Like Tea-bags: “Faith un-tested is unreal. Faith tried in the furnace of human experience produces something rare and precious. Harsh circumstances can either make us bitter or better.” Chris Bowater. Life can be very unpredictable and can bring for all of us disappointments, dashed hopes, and broken dreams. Sorrow, sickness, disloyalties, hard knocks,… Read more People Are Like Tea-bags.