E-word Communicator – over a 3 year period serving more than 2380 users
Something To Shout About: “Each day proclaim the good news that God saves. Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.” Howdy there, Some of the deciding factors which we may use to avoid sharing our personal stories are these: I haven’t got anything fresh or new to… Read more Something To Shout About!
Rock The Boat: These thoughts are inspired by a visit to Hemsworth Christian Fellowship from Steve & Kimberley Horner of “Catch The Fire,” East Anglia: Imagine two fishermen in a rowing-boat in the middle of a lake. Everything is still and quiet. There the fishermen wait for a catch. The only disturbance is an occasional… Read more Rock The Boat
Relationship With God: This weekly thought is inspired by the blind hymn writer, Fanny J Crosby, who wrote: To God be the glory, great things He has done; So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life, an atonement for sin, And opened the life-gate, that all may go… Read more Relationship with God
An Oasis: On a recent trip to South Wales, Rachel and I were visiting some good friends, and in the middle of our conversation we began to reflect upon the parable of the Good Samaritan. I’m not certain if you’re familiar with the story, but here’s the bare bones. At one time, there was a… Read more An Oasis
Only One: We don’t know. Maybe you’re searching today, trying to find the purpose of life. Perhaps you’re seeking for the truth, and looking for the right road ahead. Well, consider this: If you go to the tomb of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism – it’s occupied! If you go to the tomb of Confucius,… Read more Only One