E-word Communicator – over a 3 year period serving more than 2380 users

Big Blessings

Big Blessings: Earlier this week, I was listening to Jarrod Cooper on a Christian radio broadcast. Jarrod began to unravel a story which he reckoned was true. Well, I’m not certain if it’s true – but if Jarrod reckons it’s true, then it must be! I’m not sure whether you would have heard it before,… Read more Big Blessings


Decision: This week, as I began to think about the words and music from a particular song which I was playing on my piano, I became so aware of many friends and loved ones, who at one time – walked close with God. But today, sadly, for some reason, they don’t! It’s amazing how many… Read more Decision

Where In The World?

Where In The World: For many years, I’ve had a tactile globe which was designed for use by individuals who are blind or visually impaired. It’s a very basic globe that shows the intercontinental outlines – with some higher and lower elevations. It also has other tactile markings which include a protruding line to indicate… Read more Where In The World?

He Loves You

He Loves You: Do you ever let the appraisal by others mean too much to you? Then, let me encourage you to leave the opinion of your value completely in God’s hands, so that you’re not influenced by the disapproval expressed by those who point out your faults and short-comings. Take-heart in this, God’s Word,… Read more He Loves You

He Loves Us

He Loves Us: On a very recent holiday, located in the beautiful and relaxed atmosphere of the Tanat Valley, Rachel and I took time-out to visit Lake Vyrnwy nature reserve. Lake Vyrnwy is one of the best places for wildlife in the United Kingdom, and we were not going to be disappointed! Here, surrounded by… Read more He Loves Us