He Loves Us

He Loves Us:

On a very recent holiday, located in the beautiful and relaxed atmosphere of the Tanat Valley, Rachel and I took time-out to visit Lake Vyrnwy nature reserve.

Lake Vyrnwy is one of the best places for wildlife in the United Kingdom, and we were not going to be disappointed!

Here, surrounded by picturesque scenery, we could see and hear woodpeckers, while dippers nested by the lake and rocky streams, other beautiful birds bobbed on the water, and above us a pair of buzzards hovered.

One particular highlight for us was meeting Gary & Kim at the Lakeside hide. Here, the guys were watching a male peregrine as he protected his three chicks nesting on a craggy cliff ledge, whilst the female was presumably out looking for food.

I was especially thankful to Kim, who kindly took time to describe to me the magnificent beauty. And, of course, he took real delight in telling me about the peregrines, the buzzards, the singing siskins and much more!

As Kim enthused me with his knowledge – I could feel his passion, his delight.

Anyhow, there, as we took in the splendour of God’s creation, I was reminded of how God views His people – His Church.

The book of Isaiah gives us a glimpse of what God has to say:

We are a stunning crown in the palm of God’s hand, a jewelled gold cup held high in the hand of our God.

And, because God delights in us, our land will be like a wedding celebration.__

Yes, that’s right. As a man rejoices over his new wife, so our God rejoices over us.


Those who love God get His attention.

As He pours rhythms of grace into our lives, He provides us with royal privilege – and clothes us with His protection.

And folks, guess what? He rejoices over us with great gladness.

He calms us with his love, and delights us with His songs.

O how He loves us so.

Such passion, such delight!


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