
Words Matter

Words Matter: Howdy friends, There is something about writing that is therapeutic. It keeps me sane. And, in the middle of other things, I find writing strengthens my personal ministry. Of course, my writing becomes meaningless unless it means something to you. So, I write to help and educate, which often benefits both me and… Read more Words Matter

Two Penn’orth

Two Penn’orth: Hiya, Writing yourself off is never a good thing. Admitting you are lacking in excellence or value is pointless. Thinking you serve no useful purpose gets you no where. It’s nonsense to impoverish yourself because of some shallow belief about how to live. Remember, what you have to say has the potential to… Read more Two Penn’orth

A Holy Kudos

A Holy Kudos!: A THOUGHT TO PONDER: Howdy friend, In recent times, a baseball fan watching his team play in a Midwestern state made an epic catch that earned him a round of applause from the crowd. The man came to the rescue after a batter took a swing at a ball and lost control… Read more A Holy Kudos