
As for God:

As For God: As for Life: He gives me real and eternal life – more and better life than I could ever dream of. That’s my Father – the God who is superabundant! As for Peace: I’m able to experience completeness, wholeness, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony & the absence of… Read more As for God:


Diversity: In recent times; the fellowship where Rachel and I belong, began some new “cell-groups.” I’m use to calling them “home-groups” or “house-groups.” Some may know them as “care-groups,” “connect-groups,” “life-groups” or simply “small-groups.” Whatever the name of the group, this inspired me to have a fresh look as to the place where home-groups began… Read more Diversity.

Good To Talk

Good To Talk: Hello everyone, It’s widely believed that most people can experience some degree of stress, anxiety or depression at some time in their lives. In many ways I can perhaps understand the effects of stress, distress or anxiety a little better than most. In my early twenties I gained experience in the field… Read more Good To Talk