A Lifestyle Of Worship:
Howdy friends,
You know, God deserves more than 90 minutes on a Sunday morning.
Through every part of our ordinary lives; worship should be a desire & impulse that colours our thoughts and choreographs “everything” we do.
Since living faith progresses freely from our hearts and opens our minds it ought to give sense to the course of every event and activity.
Every emotion, every interaction, every thought, every step, every detail in our lives brings delight to the heart of God.
If it doesn’t then our faith department is not certain to be or become true or real.
Just look at the choices.
We can either worship guessing in the dark, or in the clear light of day.
Listen up!
Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove.
Likewise, spirit and truth, truth and spirit, clasp each other’s hands.
Come now.
Catch the opportunities.
Reach out for the unfamiliar and the seemingly unachievable.
By giving a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty and responding to their need we bring pleasure to God’s heart.
Therefore, let’s love the Lord God with all our passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.
As we love, so we worship.
That love spills over from our hearts.
So, be engulfed completely.
Having undisturbed continuity.
Show some substance:
With a life open to God.
Give a hearty applause.
High five!
And say yes!
David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – Hearty Neighbour – & Internet Pastor:
E-mail david@newday-prince.me.uk.
Committed to loving God and loving people.
Sharing a New Expression of Church.
Matthew 10:42
Mark 12:30
John 4:24
James 2:18