Blessing And Abundance

Blessing And Abundance:

I will lead you into Canaan-the very land I promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I will give it to you as a possession for I am the Eternal.

Exodus 6:8

The Voice Bible.

Messages From The E-word Communicator:

God longs to share with us marvellous and wondrous things that we could never figure out on our own.

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Father Of Creation.

How often in our own situations have we been driven to ask, “Where is God when I need Him?”

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On A Crest Of A Wave.

May we, as God’s children who are searching, become better not bitter!

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People Are Like Tea-bags.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Introducing, Devoted Dawn To Dusk.

Writing makes no sense to us, unless it’s relevant and accessible to you.

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About The E-word Communicator.

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