God Can Be Trusted:
For you will go out in joy, be led home in peace.
And as you go the land itself will break out in cheers.
The mountains and the hills will erupt in song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Prickly thorns and nasty briers will give way to luxurious shade trees, sweet and good.
And they’ll remind you of the Eternal One and how God can be trusted absolutely and forever.
Isaiah 55:12-13
Messages From The E-word Communicator:
You can have a trustful relationship with God, and believe in what He promises, regardless of the hard knocks you receive along the way!
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With love and strength for each new day, He will make a way.
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Without doubt, the circumstances around me were not perfect – but thank God, I knew SOMEONE who was. Indeed, I know SOMEONE who is!
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David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.
Introducing – Devoted Dawn To Dusk.
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