Sphere Of Influence:
Way back in the summer of zero four, we had difficulties sorting where we were at.
But then, some months later, after receiving a brand new lap-top with a state-of-the-art screen reader, I began to write stuff for the Internet.
At this point in time, Rachel and I discovered a whole new world had opened up for us.
Amazingly, our set of circumstances began to turn around.
It blew our socks off!
In retrospect, little did we realise what effect or impact the Fields Of Life story would have.
And that’s not all!
A domino-effect took place as numerous folks began to receive the E-word Communicator.
One block at a time, we began to set out a series of easy messages of encouragement and explanation – as an alternative to exploring intellectual questions concerning theology.
As one event set off a chain of similar events, our influence extended as far as .., and today, “continues” to reach beyond our wildest dreams.
Since that time – we’ve had around three quarters of a million hits on our web pages, and received visits from one hundred and fifty five countries.
We also know of “individuals” in twenty seven nations spanning throughout the entire world – who have signed-up to receive our weekly message of encouragement.
In fact, we’ve heard of some folks who actually use E-word as part of their weekly home-group focus.
Another recipient encourages at least a dozen people every day by sharing words from the E-word Communicator, and E-mailing them to friends in Kenya.
And best of all, nothing beats the high when we hear from individuals who have prayed the Lifeline Prayer – and now have a New Life connection.
What an endorsement!
As one friend wrote, “The Internet is a wonderful place to share the message of salvation with the world. It’s kind of like being missionaries, without ever having to leave the country!”
And sure-enough, our assignment is right where we are.
Right at the end of our fingertips!
That’s some adventure.
Today, I’m reminded of the scripture that inspires and urges – whatever is in your hand, do your best.
So, for a moment, let’s just mull over the episode where Moses maintained his position on the shore of the Red Sea.
He was probably baffled by what was coming next.
Without doubt, it was scary stuff!
For us, virtually anecdotal.
But God’s encouragement to him was, “Use what is in your hand.”
And so, as Moses moved to use the symbol-cane in his grip – he discovered its capability was “much more” astronomic than he had ever imagined.
The seawaters split!
It was wholly epic stuff!
Believe me!
Just envisage the box office drama!
God used Pharaoh and his army to put His Glory on display.
Well, I guess you know the story!
Yet friends, it may seem, in your own opinion, as if you’re not much right now.
Still, you could end up better than ever.
Yep, that’s right!
Think about it.
If you’re facing an interruption or temporary suspension of progress, or a road block if you will, check what’s at hand.
Then, let me encourage you on the say so of God’s Word, whatever turns up, grab it and do it.
And heartily!
Come-on folks!
With gusto and without reservation!
Always allow your spirit to be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over with enthusiasm.
Remember, God believes in you.
He has gifted you to bring about those things He has placed in your heart.
He has empowered you to carry out those things He has put in your hand.
So, trust God.
Shout a whoop-whoop!
Then say yeah!
David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.
Committed to loving God and loving people.
If this message has encouraged you in your own spiritual journey, please click the recommend button found before this post.
Thank you.
E-mail david@newday-prince.me.uk.
Bible References:
Exodus 14:16
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Romans 12:11
The Message.
The Voice Bible.