Intermittent Church

Intermittent Church:

Admittedly, I’m not exactly confined to my home, but due to multiple health issues there are moments when it becomes totally impractical for me to attend certain events.

Many readers will already know of my challenges with total blindness, being a double transplant recipient and susceptible to skin cancers, etcetera.

But frankly, this winter has been especially hard for me – on account of having a bladder control problem.

In normal circumstances, I have to Intermittently Self Catheterise up to eight times a day, every day!

But unfortunately, this tedious procedure can increase somewhat in the colder weather.

Furthermore, when out and about, we have to plan ahead, just to make certain there are suitable public conveniences on route.

Thus, mystery trips are a no-no!

Undertaking extra long journeys must be meticulously thought out!

Sitting in a cold building, other than being miserable can be disastrous!

Travelling in a cold vehicle is just as bad!

And so the list goes on!

Anyhow, since my condition is severe, there has been many a moment when I’ve had the sudden urge to go, and yes, I’ve even experienced a few embarrassing incidents!

Even in church!



Still, putting all that to one side, I must interject an informative note:

Thankfully, I’ve never allowed this to discourage me!

Which is amazing in itself, as it’s estimated – 70% of people who suffer with urinary incontinence also suffer with depression.

What’s more, it’s believed that more people suffer with bladder control problems than those who suffer with asthma, diabetes and so on!

Staggeringly, an estimated 14 million men and women of all ages in the United Kingdom have bladder problems.

Yet, although common, this whole subject is something that is never talked about.

Many sufferers withdraw from many social activities for fear of embarrassment, and feel stigmatised and unable to confide in close friends and family.

This can lead to isolation!

That’s why I like home-groups, care-groups, cell-groups, connect-groups, life-groups or simply small-groups.

Home-groups provide a safe-place, having or fostering a warm & friendly atmosphere; especially through smallness and informality.

They are a great place to find-out, sound-out, check-out, share, pray and make new friends.

It’s in such settings that folks can often become fully aware of others needs and act in a practical & “sensitive way” – to help resolve things.

For this reason, when the home-group is in our own home, if I need to use the bathroom, I can sneak off without drawing attention to myself!

Thank God for those things that make us comfortable and at ease!

Even so, I understand that there are many who are confined because of their condition.

Disability is not a life-style choice!

It’s a condition!!

Indeed, many maybe unable to attend a formally arranged gathering because they are weak in health or body.

This can affect anyone, any age.

Sadly, we have a tendency to forget those who do not turn-up on a regular basis.

Sometimes our attitudes fail to respond!

Often our feelings towards such folk can be intermittent!

It’s so easy to be caught up in the busyness of life!

So easy to forget!

Some don’t realise!

But let’s recognise that no-one is easily dismissed as unimportant – especially if they are not in our direct view.

On the contrary!

All of us are special.

Everyone distinctive!

Unique, amazing, one of a kind.

So let’s praise God for the people who frequently visit those in need of help and ministering care.

Maybe we could learn from their example.

Or maybe we should ask those who are confined to their homes what their needs are, and take time to find out where they’re at.

And know this, just because they don’t attend your event, doesn’t mean they’re not with you!

What do you think?

How can we best reach-out to those who are confined by illness?

How can we help build and restore lives deprived of freedom?

Personally, I’m looking forward to a barbecue summer shared with friends.

Which reminds me, where are my sun-screen and shades?

And friend, here’s another perspective:

If you are house-bound for one reason or another, whether short or long term, think about this – people want to help, you just have to have the courage to ask.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

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