Year: 2012

You Were Made By God

You Were Made By God: You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Rick Warren. By using a simple newsletter form – you can sign-up to receive our weekly inspirational thought – E-word. Please Sign-up Here.

Super Happy

Super Happy: Recently I had the misfortune of developing “swimmers-ear” – a rather nasty ear infection. I was so bad, I couldn’t hear at all for a couple of days, and struggled to hear anything for five weeks. To make matters worse, I also suffered with tinnitus – a whistling and ringing sensation in both… Read more Super Happy

Faithful One

Faithful One: Hey, have you ever noticed how things in this world seem to be changing? Well folks, it’s a fact! For instance, governing authorities change, political-leaders change, things and people come and go. Even opinions have a tendency to change! Rules and regulations change. Our social connections change. Appointments and venues change. Our behaviour,… Read more Faithful One


Superabundance. More Than Enough: Jesus came so we could have real and eternal life – more and better life than we could ever dream of.1. For this reason, we’re able to experience completeness, wholeness, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony & the absence of agitation or discord. Indeed, His peace goes beyond… Read more Superabundance

You Were Planned

You Were Planned: You were planned for God’s pleasure. God did not NEED to create you, but He CHOSE to create you for His benefit, His glory, His purpose, and His delight. Rick Warren.