One Year On

One Year On:

An Update:

Howdy Friends,

We can hardly believe how quickly the year has whizzed by. In fact, it doesn’t seem long since Rachel and I were faced with the daunting news from my dermatologist, who informed us that I had two types of skin cancer. Yet, believe it or not, it’s one year on.

Thankfully, both cancers were removed – but some reconstructive surgery was needed. Consequently, the surgery necessitated an extended need for recovery. This was interwoven with many a follow-up appointment.

Then, within a few months, while recovering from the ordeal, suddenly, I lost all sense of hearing. As you can imagine, trying to communicate with others was quite challenging. Being totally blind was one thing. But being deaf at the same time was another!

Still, after five weeks, my hearing began to improve. Nonetheless, right in the middle of all of this, I had to have another skin biopsy, as my dermatologist had concerns about another skin cancer. We were so thankful when all results came back all clear.

Even so, we’re still having to observe my skin grafts, including applying ointment twice daily. However, the skin graft on my leg has developed a kind of stasis dermatitis, so that’s just a further complication to deal with.

In light of the cancer occurring because of my medication – my dermatologist will keep tabs on my skin condition for life.

Friends, simply know this, through it all, we never let things get to us. For-sure, even as we’re going through this tough episode, we continue to maintain a positive outlook.

Sure-enough, we have known God’s presence. We have experienced His back-up so many times – too numerous to count. He has never let us down.

In God we trust.

So, let me share some other stuff:

In the summer we planned to meet up with family for a handful of celebrations, and in June and July we were thrilled to accept invites to a couple of wonderful family wedding occasions in the West Midlands.

Unfortunately, we were unable to support every family event, this was, in part, because our “brand new” car was in the body shop – due to a rather nasty bump!

Thankfully, no one was hurt – only the car and the church gate were impacted, that is, other than our pride!

Things didn’t end there though, as around the same time, we had a small fire in our utility room!

Things seemed to happen in an uninterrupted way!

Anyhow, although we didn’t get to the other celebrations, it has been great having family come to visit us in Yorkshire. Along with many individual visits from family members, we were especially excited to have a couple of visits from some good friends in South Wales, and we look forward to their return.

One extra special event which happened this year was the twenty-first anniversary of my pancreas transplant. Very much a mile stone! And of course, it was twenty one years since I was given only three days to live.

And let’s not forget, it was also fourteen years since my second kidney transplant!

Because we’ve faced so many ups and downs through this past year, Rachel and I were particularly thankful to the couple who paid for us to spend some time away in a Norwegian log cabin.

All the same, because of on-going follow-up appointments with the dermatology and transplant consultants, and regular observations at my health clinic, plus alterations to delivery of medication along with changes to providers of medical supplies, and an on-going review of my immunosuppressive drugs, and so on, we did wonder if we would ever get away. But God knew. And God made a way.

So, September provided a welcome opportunity for us to retreat to the Lincolnshire Wolds.

Further to Rachel’s Temporomandibular Disorder, she still suffers somewhat, but things became very alarming in the autumn, when she discovered an abnormal lump in her mouth. Thankfully, with God’s help, your prayers, and the intervention of the dentist and consultants, we were relieved to hear the news that there’s nothing to worry about.

What a praise!

At this point, we must mention – we are ever so appreciative of the times when we’ve shared coffee and cake with friends from Hemsworth Christian Fellowship. Although we’ve been unable to meet up every Sunday, our friendship is super-precious.

What’s more, we give thanks for brilliant neighbours. Nothing beats having friends who are brilliant neighbours!

Nothing beats having neighbours who are brilliant friends!

Anyway, the ministry through the Newday-Prince web pages is going from strength to strength, and we value your prayer support. Just knowing you are praying for us is a great encouragement.

The contacts we’re making through Newday-Prince continue to develop. The amount of people from various nations worldwide who have signed up to receive the E-word Communicator remains encouraging. Very encouraging.

In truth, we are absolutely amazed by how God is using this Internet ministry. Many people from all over the world somehow land on our pages, and we’re really encouraged when some take time-out to let us know how Newday-Prince has been a blessing to them.

Well friends, it’s been a tough year, but we’re believing for some better days ahead.

As for today, a new day begins with renewed strength and hope.

Now is the time to live for Jesus

So, have a real good Christmas everybody, and big blessings everyone.

Your friends,

David & Rachel Prince.

Christmas Promise.

First Christmas Gift.

The Journey.

The Perfect Gift.

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