On-line Parish

On-line Parish:

Each of us as a good manager must use the gift that God has given us to serve others.1.

Friends, if there’s one thing I really miss, it’s having an active participation in pastoral ministry.

This is a result of having some challenging issues with my health, and consequently, my current function and gifting doesn’t fit into the present examples of mainstream ministry types.

But you know, that hasn’t stopped me from being serious about the wants and needs of others!

Okay, I no longer have to prepare weekly sermons, Bible studies, home-group material and so on.

No longer required to officiate weddings, dedications and funerals.

No longer have to attend trustee meetings, team leadership meetings etcetera.

No longer the full-time worship-leader, publicity director, kids club organiser, luncheon club manager, hospital chaplain, visitation pastor.

No longer have a pastoral role in the traditional sense – and no longer have an itinerate ministry.

Yet, today, although my ministry is communicated via a different platform – it’s still a ministry.

And whatever I do – it still has spiritual value.

God hasn’t finished with me yet!! Nah!

My usefulness hasn’t been phased out”!

He still has a plan for me. It’s not over till He says so!

For-sure, I’m often reminded of the words by John Wesley, when he said, “I look on all the world as my parish.”

Consider this, a friend from California summed it up quite nicely, when she wrote, “The Internet is a wonderful place to share the message of salvation with the world. It’s kind of like being missionaries, without ever having to leave the country!”

And of course, Rachel and I totally agree!

It is hoped, God’s Kingdom is expressed in every area of our lives – set right, put together, and completed with joy.

A powerful ministry platform!

Sure-enough, over the last few years, the Internet has brought about a drastic and far-reaching change – which empowers us like never before.

This enables us to communicate the message of Jesus into every area of life.

So, as a consequence, we look at the world-on-line as our parish!

In truth, we love inspiring people – if we can make a difference in one person’s life, then that’s success for us!

And yes, it would be a real blessing to know that in someway the experiences we’ve faced, could reach & touch the lives of others.

Certainly, by reaching the world-on-line, the Internet has become an excellent tool for us to use in sharing the message of Jesus.

He deserves all the credit!

Today, thousands of individuals from 155 countries worldwide have visited these web pages – and many individuals have signed-up to receive our weekly E-word Communicator.

Praise Him!

1 1 Peter 4:10

Amplified Bible.

Worldwide English.

God has given each person a gift. That gift is something he can do. Each one should use his gift to help the others. In that way you all make good use of the many blessings God has given you.

By using a simple newsletter form – you can sign-up to receive our weekly inspirational thought – E-word.

Please Sign-up Here.

God appointments are awaiting us each day – at home, at work, at school, at play. So, if you’ve been inspired by this E-word Communicator – please click the recommend button on this page.

Thank you for being a part of our ministry. We appreciate your support, just knowing you are praying for us is a great encouragement.

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