Catch Word

Catch Word:

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had one of those weeks.

It all began when the fold-away seat in our shower cubical came away from the wall!

And before you ask, yep, at the same instant – I was perched on the seat having a shower!!

Sure-enough, I was totally oblivious to what was about to take place!

Still, there was nothing I could do to prevent the sequence of events. It all happened in slow motion.

Fortunately, only my pride was hurt!

So much silliness afterwards though!

Sort of comical!

Then, just a few days later, we celebrated 21 years since I became a recipient of a pancreas transplant – probably one of the longest surviving pancreas transplants in the world.

Very much a milestone anniversary!!

For this reason, we indulged in a lovely lemon cake.

And then, two days after that, we had results come through from a skin biopsy which I had a month ago, as my consultant believed I “may have” another skin cancer.

The good news is, I do not have another skin cancer.

However, true to life, things don’t always progress as we’d like, as the results revealed I have a “form of” eczema – an inflammation of the skin caused by poor circulation.

All the same, the eczema can be treated to a degree, and can be managed, but will never be fully eliminated

Thankfully though, with God’s help, nothing is impossible.

You know, God never promises life will be easy, but we can rest in knowing He recognizes the stress and pressures we sometimes face.

Thus, as Rachel and I were having a coffee together, our attention was drawn to the catch words on our set of coffee mugs:







It’s amazing how God speaks through the little things.

In truth, some of us are so deep we miss God!

Remember, God loves us.

In light of this, let’s throw the whole of our troubles over to Him, because He cares for us, right?


Life can be a roller-coaster ride, characterized by abrupt and extreme changes.

Hence, through all the ups and downs of life, let’s fix our attention on God.

Step away from the crowd.


Quiet down.

Find God.

Stroll in freedom.


Experience a new day.

1 Peter 5:7

Worldwide English.

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