Hope Of The Hopeless:
In times back yonder, when I was just a lad, I can remember joining in a classic hymn-sing.
Today, one particular song comes to mind:
“One day when heaven was filled with His praises. One day when sin was as black as could be…”
Anyhow, I recall with warmth, how some of the singers pulled out all the stops, especially as we journeyed through the refrain.
Then, we enthusiastically sang:-
Living, He loved me.
Dying, He saved me.
Buried, He carried my sins far away.
Rising, He justified, freely forever!
One day He’s coming. O glorious day!
Such memories!
And know this, the message of this song is as relevant today as it was yesterday.
In reality, this is the most important message we will ever hear.
Yet, this isn’t simply a message in music or words. Nah!
Consider this, God, our Father, longed for us to experience His love.
And He still does.
He confirmed the truth beyond doubt.
But what a price!
Sure-enough, Father loves us!
We are made aware of this because he gave His Son for us.
And when Jesus served as a sacrifice for our sins – He solved the sin problem for good – not only ours, but the whole world’s.1.
What a sacrifice!
Placing things into context, God loved the world so very, very much that He gave His only Son.
Because He did that, everyone who BELIEVES in Him will not lose his life, but will live forever.
Moreover, God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world.
He sent Him to save the world.2.
What an assurance!
And now, we have a new hope.
This hope is a living hope because Jesus Christ was raised from death.3.
What a message!
Hope of the hopeless, our Saviour is He!
Agree? Yes! Amen!
1 1 John 2:2
2 John 3:16-17
3 1 Peter 1:3
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