Share With Friends

Share With Friends:

In my younger days, when I lived at home with my parents, there was something that happened at a given place and time – which became the highlight of our week.

The event, known as “fellowship,” occurred every Sunday evening after church.

Sometimes, it was the young folk who gathered at our home to share with friends.

Other times, it was a small-group of the older generation, who gathered for a cuppa, an assortment of sandwiches, and a wedge of delicious home-baked coffee sponge-cake filled and topped with coffee butter-cream icing.

Every Sunday evening, our home was a buzz!

Here, the relationships grew as we entered into conversation with one another.

Back and forth we talked, reflecting on the events of the day and so on.

And yes, admittedly, our scripture knowledge also grew, as frequently, more often than not, we found ourselves cogitating over the news of the world, and chewing over what the Bible had to say.

Anyhow, it’s my personal belief that such encounters provide a safe-place, having or fostering a warm & friendly atmosphere; especially through smallness and informality.

Whether at ones home, at an eating place or coffee bar – it’s in these kind of settings that people can often become fully aware of others needs and act in a practical & sensitive way to help resolve things.

Sure-enough, if it’s realistically possible, it’s wonderful when Christian friends are able to gather together in a “non-church-like” environment – providing a way to connect with others.

It can become a time to find-out, sound-out, check-out and share with friends..

In light of this, let’s consider this great thought by Jeff Lucas:1.

Jesus cooked his weary friends breakfast.

Sometimes, we don’t need a prayer meeting, or a worship gathering – but a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich shared with friends.

Amen? Amen!

1 John 21:12-13

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