Times of Unrest

Times Of Unrest:

“Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because You are with me.”

Valley Times:

At times it may seem that we frequently face harsh circumstances, enduring emotional pain – constantly relearning the meaning of those events – and forever full of strong feelings of anxiety or perplexity.

And as a result of such stress, we so often can find ourselves fully submerged in a pity party!

Now listen… To whatever degree we might experience these negative feelings, let us bear in mind that these are often the situations which strengthen our lives – those “in the valley” times, not those on lofty mountain top feelings.

Here’s a great quote by Chuck Smith:

“One of the most comforting thoughts for us as Christians, is the knowledge that God’s timing is perfect. Even though those circumstances may seem unbearable, we have the assurance that our Heavenly Father will intervene to provide a way out – and not a moment too soon!”

Sure-enough, no matter how difficult we might feel things are at times, it will soon become apparent that it’s during those times of unrest and uncertainty that our faith grows the most.

We develop a greater ability to understand life, in general, as well as an insight to understanding other people.

We become discerning – more able to appreciate the things of God – and soon we gain insight to His direction for our own lives and for the lives of others who seek to know Him.

What a comfort!

He soothes every fear.

Oh yes!

Amen? Amen!

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Psalm 23:4

New Century Version.

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