Heart of Worship.

Heart Of Worship:

Jerusalem Times:

Looking at a scene in the second book of Samuel; let’s pick up the story as the Ark of the Lord was being brought back into Jerusalem.

We discover that everyone was celebrating by shouting and playing music on horns, trumpets, cymbals, harps, and other stringed instruments.

At this moment there was a general conscious awareness of festivities by all!

As a matter of fact; King David was extremely pleased about this special occasion.

While the scene unfolded to reveal a significant time in history, something else occurred which would prove to be totally unforgettable!

It all happened simultaneously – when surprisingly, the King was so wholly spell-bound by this event that he stripped away his kingly robes – and hurried out into a crowd of people in the middle of the street and began to dance – skip, leap, move up then down and sideways in a way which appeared to be lacking good sense or judgment.

This outward aspect gave the impression that the King was joyously unrestrained.

But, to make matters worse, this was in front of everyone!

Yep, that’s right, absolutely everyone!

The state of widespread public excitement and interest was even observed by another member of the royal house!

David’s wife – Saul’s daughter, by chance was looking through a window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before God, her heart filled with contempt. She sneered, and looked down on him with disdain!

Sometime later – Michal came out to welcome her husband, but her communication indicated a lack of respect as she behaved in a patronizing and condescending way.

And so, this is how the argy-bargy began:

With a vehement outcry – she gave tongue to:

How extremely well the king has drawn attention to himself today – displaying himself half naked to the eyes of the officers’ maids like some theatrical performing street dancer!!

David came back with this response:

In the presence of God I’ll dance how I like! God chose me over your father and the rest of this household and made me prince over His people, over Israel. Oh yes, by the way, I’ll dance to God’s glory – even more exuberantly than this. And as far as I’m concerned…I’ll gladly look like an incompetent fool – but among these maids you’re unnecessarily worried about, they will always treat me with respect!

In truth; King David didn’t show any concern or interest in who saw him acting like a complete fool.

He had no inhibitions, his expression in dance was praise and worship to his Lord, and at that moment, nothing else seemed to count!

Interestingly, not everyone can agree on the explanation for the conclusion of this story.

1. Maybe it was the husband and wife relationship which was lacking harmony – due to unresolved marital issues, or indifference in where there had formerly been love.

2. Or maybe it was Michal’s attitude, and the contempt she showed towards David’s expressive worship.

Who knows!

Whatever the cause, Michal remained childless throughout her entire life.

Whether or not we understand the nature of the circumstance, both reasons attract interest or thought.

But friends, if we are to accept this second reason, then I’m so awake to the likely consequences!

Right Now; it’s so easy to undervalue or knock another style of worship!

It’s so easy to relate to the past!

It’s so easy to think our way is best!

Hey, who are we to say one way is better than the other, or not at all!

Surely, as we embrace what God does for us – our worship is the best thing we can do for him!

Yep, that’s right, it’s all for Him!

Personally; I prefer the contemporary style of worship, no song books, just power-point presentation with a live worship band – – and everyone celebrating in freedom with expression in dance.

However; I’m also familiar with the arrangement of church organist, choir, the multiple selection of hard-back hymn books – – with everyone uttering sounds of great joy on “Pack-A-Pew Sunday!”

Who is to say which way is right or wrong.

No one, and neither!!

Both of these; and many other forms of worship, bring glory to God, and none of us should find fault – for fear that we too should become fruitless or unproductive of success!

But here and now, we must realise – worship is more than a hymn-song.

Oh yes!

Through every part of our ordinary lives; worship is a desire & impulse that colours our thoughts – and choreographs “everything” we do.

Sure, it’s our attitude of heart.

Kissing God.

Having a close encounter with Father.

A real sense of belonging.


And intimacy.

Well now, if this message has impacted, inspired or encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

1 Chronicles 15:

Psalm 132:

Romans 12:

2 Samuel 6:

Amplified Bible.

The Message.

New Century Version.

New International Version.

Worldwide English.

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