Website Design & Creation.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has given up their time to help us create the Newday-Prince web pages.

Special acknowledgement is apportioned to my brother-in-law Roger Leitch, who has given much of his technical knowledge – enabling us to create and construct the Newday-Prince web pages.

It was Roger, who introduced us to Guide – a speech screen reader – a product of Software Express Limited, now part of the dolphin group.

Roger also recommended WordPress – a state-of-the-art publishing platform.

What is more, we would also like to express our grateful thanks to our dear friend in Atlanta, Georgia – Kay Holt – aka Kaypok.

Her gifting in proof-reading, revising and reviewing some of the pages to our story – will continue to be valued.

Other folks have also contributed to the fulfilment of our purpose – enabling us to share our message.

We are truly thankful for the time, hard work and resources given – providing us with the ability to convey a confident communication of Christ.

Thank you all, and may God bless you real good.

David & Rachel.


Kay’s Story.

Roger’s Web Pages.

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