It’s Time My Child

It’s Time My Child:

Prophetic word at Hemsworth Christian Fellowship 27 September 2009.

Expanding on a picture of a boat in a harbour that I felt the Spirit was showing me.

“My child it’s time to let go. It’s time to leave behind the attitudes and behaviours that you’ve adopted to keep yourself safe. It’s time to leave the harbour you have created. We’ve been at this place before you and I.

I have some amazing things in store for you but you have to let go of all the things of the past – the hurts, the disillusionment, the rejection, the misunderstandings that are keeping you in this harbour that feels safe but is actually a prison to you.

I know you long for freedom, you long for the open sea, but every time you begin to venture out the enemy comes and swamps your heart. That’s why child I want to come in these days and bring deep healing to the wounded areas, so that when you look at the waves, the storm, the potential for disaster you will no longer retreat into old familiar behaviour and thoughts but you will have enough to press forward into a new place of spiritual peace and maturity.

It will be a place that I shall create not what you seek to create in yourself and in those around you. It will be wild but actually safer than you’ve ever been.

Again I lay a path of destiny before you my child. Again you stand at the crossroads of RISK and TRUST. Take the road less travelled, the ancient path of healing.

I’m not asking you to walk it alone, indeed it will be fruitless for you to do so. You will know who you are to walk the path with as soon as you set foot on it in your heart.

It’s time my child. It’s time to step into your destiny, to leave behind the wounds that have influenced so many of your life choices and affect your relationship with Me and with others.

It’s time to step up to the noble purpose for which you were created, the purpose which you have longed to know but never been able to see because of the harbour walls.

It’s time my child.

Oliver Hall, Hemsworth Christian Fellowship, West Yorkshire, England.

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