Psalm Ninety-one

Fields Of Life.

An expression of the same message in different words:

Psalm Ninety-one:

As I journey under the care and protective covering of the God who is above all and find security in the strength of who He is – I am able to acknowledge that He is my defence, my safe place – He is my God and I have complete confidence in Him.

Sure-enough, God will keep me safe and sound from hazards visible and invisible.

Yes – He will protect me throughout the times of unexpected difficulties and catastrophic situations.

As a large bird of prey protects its young with its graceful wings and teaches the manoeuvres of flight, so God forms a cover over me and enables me to withstand attacks.

His constant loyalty has concealed me from danger and harm.

I have peaceful dreams and when I awake in the morning – I have no anxious feelings about malicious gossip.

I will not fear afflictions and will not be upset by those who seek to jeopardise and destroy my plans for the day.

Even though my journey may have its problems and people around me fold like a house of cards, I am still here, still have life and breath.

I have enough sense to perceive and know that God’s justice rules okay.

I can count on God to work things out for me.

Since the God above all is my protector – as I turn to Him He is my guarantee of safety.

He will never let me down.

He guards both me and my home.

This God above all – has authority to instruct His angels to look out for me in every event of my life’s journey.

Just like bodyguards – they will lift me up in times of trouble.

I will not be defeated by an absence of trust or peace.

I will beat off the hefty predators and the vindictive deceivers.

Because of my love for The God above all and the knowledge of who He is – I am confident that He will carry me through every difficulty.

Not just when I am in deep water – but in and through an accumulation of circumstances.

Now listen to this – no matter what life deals, I’m able to call Him.

He always answers and is always there to help me resolve things.

I have experienced God’s back up so many, many times, too numerous to count.

With strength for every day and life eternal – beyond any doubt – I know my God, my Saviour – He is in control!

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