A Ministry Seeded by Springs
Voyage Of Adventure: Howdy friends! Faith will never deepen by the sea coast. It will never swell within the sheltered port. Okay, it is where we begin but that is not where God purposed us to stay. He didn’t intend us to have sails tied and fixed to the mast – anchored safely in the… Read more Voyage Of Adventure
Rebuild And Renovate: The Eternal One said: “You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again. You’ll take the rubble left behind and make it… Read more Rebuild And Renovate
Grampy’s Crop: Pedal-pumping to generate the pressure bellows – moved the feet of the energetic musician. That was the only way to get any sound from the old reed-organ. As a young lad, I was intrigued by the way anyone could possibly pedal away, play, pull the stops, give praise, and all at the same… Read more Grampy’s Crop
Over-hasty: Surely there’s no advantage for a person without knowledge, and whoever moves too quickly misses the turn. In other words, enthusiasm without knowledge is not good. If we act too quickly, we might make a mistake. Ignorant zeal is worthless – haste makes waste. Some years ago, when satellite navigation technology was first out,… Read more Over-hasty
Super Coolio Friends: I just love this proverb: Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat – refreshing! I’m sure you’ll agree, we all go through times when life’s journey seems so tough. Each day could be characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion. At times, ones… Read more Super Coolio Friends