
Leadership That Rests

Leadership That Rests: Leadership that rests in a title or position is weak leadership. But leadership that comes from God-given authority within themselves, that rests in a cause inspiring others to follow – to willingly give their lives for that cause, is not weak, but incredibly strong. Wynne Goss. Sign-up to receive our free newsletter… Read more Leadership That Rests

Difficulty Is Not

Difficulty Is Not: Difficulty’ is not a word to be found in the dictionary of Heaven. Nothing can be impossible with God. Charles H Spurgeon. Sign-up to receive our free newsletter and weekly thought.

For A Small Reward

For A Small Reward: For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step. Thomas Kempis. Sign-up to receive our free newsletter and weekly thought.