Who is God?

__”Go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:

We at Newday-Prince strongly believe that our God is very, very important, He is central to our Christian walk and faith.


Because God is Greater, even Better than we could possibly expect, guess, or suppose.

He is Bigger than our wildest dreams!

What is so brilliant about God?

God is All Knowing:

He knows everything. He is infinitely wise.

God is All Powerful:

He has unlimited power. He can do anything.

God is Authentic:

He always keeps His promises. In every circumstance of life we can Depend on Him. He will never let us down!

God is the Creator:

He is the Maker of everything that exists anywhere. Nothing in creation “just happened.” He made absolutely everything!

God is Everywhere:

He is present everywhere at once. We can’t hide from God.

God is Good:

He never makes an error, never drops a clanger!

God is Gracious:

He loves to give us what we don’t deserve, pouring into our lives the unforced rhythms of grace.

God is Holy:

His distinguishing quality is deserving of esteem and respect of the highest degree, and applaudable of our praise & worship.

God is Judge:

He judges everyone according to His unflawed bench-mark of right and wrong.

God is Just and Fair:

He has perfect knowledge, understanding and wisdom as to what is good or bad.

God is Love:

He has always loved us, with an unconditional love, and longs for us to have a personal relationship with Him.

God is Merciful and Compassionate:

He loves to forgive anyone who has expressed sorrow for sin.

God is Perfection:

He cannot brush-up; He cannot become inadequate!

God is Righteous:

He is always good, right, honest and true.

God is Three Persons:

Having the same status; yet one God, He has always existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God is Unique:

There is only one God. He is radically distinctive and without equal – nothing and no one can compare with Him!

To be accredited with these dimensions: All powerful, with All Knowledge and Everywhere at the same time, this can only be God!

Who can believe in God?

Anyone, and everyone can believe in Him, the decision is yours!

God loves you and He wants you to love Him too.

In every relationship, you have the power of making free choices.

The choice is yours!

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