February 2015

Right Living

Right Living: All of Scripture is God-breathed – in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right so that God’s people may be up to the task ahead and have all they need to accomplish every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Voice Bible. Messages… Read more Right Living

Super Love

Super Love: I’m not there yet, nor have I become perfect – but I am charging on to gain anything and everything the Anointed One, Jesus, has in store for me. Phillippians 3:12 The Voice Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: A child in His eyes. That’s who I am. Radically distinctive and without equal.… Read more Super Love

Extreme Love

Extreme Love: No amount of water can quench love – a raging flood cannot drown it out. Song Of Solomon 8:7 The Voice Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: Even before the beginning began, He had us in mind. Discover More … Beating Pulse. He has verified His commitment of love to us with what… Read more Extreme Love