April 2014

In The Detail

In The Detail: God keeps track of the decent folk – what they do won’t soon be forgotten. In hard times, they’ll hold their heads high – when the shelves are bare, they’ll be full. Psalm 37:18-19 The Message. Messages From The E-word Communicator: By our love, they will know that we symbolize, make clear… Read more In The Detail

What A Journey

What A Journey: He declared us not guilty, filled us with Christ’s goodness, gave us right standing with Himself, and promised us His glory. Romans 8:30 Living Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: It’s our journey of faith. Discover More … Create Anew. Share a “life” sentence: Discover More … Speak Words Of Life. Surely… Read more What A Journey


Synergy: And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans. Romans 8:28 Living Bible. Messages From The E-word Communicator: Not one individual Christian, group, fellowship, congregation or denomination has the complete answer for your neighbourhood, but together we can accomplish… Read more Synergy