Rich In Love

Rich In Love:

God is sheer mercy and grace – not easily angered, He’s rich in love.

He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever.

He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.

Psalm 103:8-10

The Message.

Messages From The E-word Communicator:

He doesn’t remind me how bad I’ve been, and certainly doesn’t consider how I can pay Him back!

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As For God.

He came for the do-gooder and the wrongdoer.

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A humbly spirit, not a lofty status, makes the difference.

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Zebedee Doo -dah.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Introducing, Devoted Dawn To Dusk.

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