For God Sake

For God Sake:

Not for our sake, God, no, not for our sake, but for Your name’s sake, show Your glory.

Do it on account of Your merciful love, do it on account of Your faithful ways.

Do it so none of the nations can say, “Where now, oh where is their God?”

Psalm 115:1-2

The Message.

Messages From The E-word Communicator:

God is great, and worth a million praises!

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Million Praises.

We interject a praise here, heartily and freely to God’s glory.

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Quarter Of A Million Reasons.

Smile out loud, and let that smile burst!

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Super Happy.

E-word Collection.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Introducing, Devoted Dawn To Dusk.

Writing makes no sense to us, unless it’s relevant and accessible to you.

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