Every Nook And Cranny

Every Nook And Cranny:

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.

He delights in every detail of their lives.

Though they stumble, they will never fall, ffor the Lord holds them by the hand.

Psalm 37:23-24

New Living Translation.

Messages From The E-word Communicator:

By our love, they will know that we symbolize, make clear and visible, the real character and nature of God.

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By Our Love.

As we love one another, we love Him, and He smothers us with kisses!!

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Sloppy Wet Kiss.

Surely our ability to sense Papa’s hand in the blessings around us increases our faith. And what joy it is to see Him engaged in every detail of our lives.

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Wild @ Heart.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Introducing, Devoted Dawn To Dusk.

Writing makes no sense to us, unless it’s relevant and accessible to you.

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