The Future
The Future: Jeremiah 29:11 Along comes the God of hope saying, “I still have a plan for you. It’s not over till I say so. I’m going to turn things around for you. Your best days are ahead.”
The Future: Jeremiah 29:11 Along comes the God of hope saying, “I still have a plan for you. It’s not over till I say so. I’m going to turn things around for you. Your best days are ahead.”
Keep Focused. Don’t Quit!: Friends, what is the centre of your life? What grabs your attention? What do you focus on? Do you only concentrate on the hard knocks? The rough-and-tumble in life? Now listen, in God’s Word, the apostle Paul gave instructions which explained – those things should not be our main focus. Let’s… Read more Keep Focused. Don’t Quit!
I Embrace You: God told them, “I’ve never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!”1. Jeremiah 31:3 My child, I embrace you with my love. I smother you with kisses. 1 Bible Gateway – The Message.
What’s Next?: Let’s greet God with a child-like “What’s next, Papa?”1. Romans 8:15-17 And as every moment unfolds, let’s stroll in freedom with Him through the sunlit fields of life. 1 Bible Gateway – The Message.
Even If: Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there! Will Rogers. Sign-up to receive E-word/newsletter.