Year: 2011

An Open Heaven

An Open Heaven: Today, as I was browsing the Internet, I was abruptly stopped in my tracks as the following headline caught my attention:- “Water, Water, Everywhere…” “…Rain Deluges Parts Of Britain – Just As Drought’s Officially Declared.” Then, the news article continued to say, “There was a certain inevitability about it. No sooner had… Read more An Open Heaven

The Right Time

The Right Time: “Punctuality is the politeness of princes” – is a proverb from the mid nineteenth century. An earlier version in French – “Punctuality is the politeness of kings,” is attributed to Louis XVIII – 1755-1824. Punctuality is the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time. This means, being on time, every… Read more The Right Time

Bold, Loving, Sensible

Bold, Loving, Sensible: 2 Timothy 1:7 Friends, let His promises inspire you to live a bold, loving and sensible life – knowing that in every circumstance of life – He is there.


Custom-made: Friends, you were created by God. In fact, we’re all shaped and modelled by God! He knew us before anyone knew we existed. He had a schedule for us before anyone had any notion of our presence. But wait! Possibly you feel as if you’re lacking in excellence or value! Maybe you think you’re… Read more Custom-made

The Stranger

The Stranger: Have you ever been greeted with “Hello stranger ?” Well, it’s “supposed” to be humorous, and said to a person that you know but have not seen for a long time. It’s an interesting greeting, especially when we consider the definition of “stranger.” A stranger is anyone who does not belong in the… Read more The Stranger